Number Student Name Surname Graduated Program Programme Years Advisor Graduation Year Thesis Subject
1 Mustafa ERKARTAL Material Science and Mechanical Engineering PhD 2015-2019 Prof. Murat DURANDURDU 2019 Modelling and Investigations of Amorphous Materials
2 Seda GÜRDAP Bioengineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Prof. Dr. Sevil DİNÇER İŞOĞLU 2019 A Biomimetic Approach for Small Diameter Vessels: Bilayered Vascular Grafts Made of Alginate and Poly (E-caprolactone)
3 Osman OĞUZ Bioengineering Master (M.Sc.) 2017-2019 Asst. Prof. Aysun ADAN 2019 The Role of Ceramide Metabolism in Apoptosis Triggered by Resveratrol and the Therapeutic Potential of Resveratrol in Ph+ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
4 Muhammed Furkan ERMAN Electrical and Computer Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Asst. Prof. Veli Tayfun KILIÇ 2019 Theoretical Investigation and Modeling of Various Shaped Planar Coils for Induction System Applications
5 Gizem ARGIN Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Prof. Burak UZAL 2019 Calcined Clays as Supplementary Cementing Materials for Sustainable Concrete
6 Sümeyye ÖZUZUN Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Prof. Burak UZAL 2019 Humic Acid-Based Superplasticizer for Sustainable Concrete
7 Nuray KOÇ Bioengineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Assoc. Prof. İsmail Alper İŞOĞLU 2019 Centella Asiatica Extract Containing Bilayered Electrospun Wound Dressing
8 Nihan MUŞ ÖZMEN Architecture Master (M.Sc.) 2017-2019 Prof. Dr. Burak ASİLİSKENDER 2019 A Critical Prospect into Working Spaces for Immaterial Labour
9 Merve ŞANSAÇAR Bioengineering Master (M.Sc.) 2017-2019 Asst. Prof. Mona El KHATIB 2019 The Effect of Hedgehog Inhibition and Autophagy Modulation on the Proliferation and Survival of AML Cell Lines
10 Burcu KURT ÖZDEN Industrial Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Asst. Prof. Muhammet SÜTÇÜ 2019 The Effect of Game-Based Learning in Lean Production and Lean Six Sigma Training
11 Zehra TAŞ Electrical and Computer Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Assoc. Prof. Kutay İÇÖZ 2019 Image Processing Based Measurement System for Quantification of the Target Leukemia Cells a Thesis
12 Hasan BAYRAK Industrial Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Asst. Prof. Muhammet SÜTÇÜ 2019 Scheduling The Turkish Super Football League
13 Nihan AKTAŞ Bioengineering Master (M.Sc.) 2017-2019 Asst. Prof. Mona El KHATIB 2019 The Inhibition of Autophagy and Hedgehog Pathway Leads to a Decrease in the Proliferation of Cholangiocarcinoma
14 Ebru İÇÖZ Electrical and Computer Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2014-2019 Asst. Prof. Gülay YALÇIN ALKAN 2019 Development of a Smart Sensor System to Detect Air Pollution
15 Şerife ÇAKIR Bioengineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Asst. Prof. Erkin AYDIN 2019 Development of a Kidney Targeted Nanocarrier Formulation Against Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity