The graduate students who are enrolled to the Graduate School of Engineering and Science and will conduct their research at AGÜ Research Labs must complete the lab safety training in the first term of their education. The training is given by the Instructor Şeyma Dadı twice a year in the Fall and Spring terms. It consists of a two-hour interactive presentation and a written exam afterwards. For the students who have completed the basic lab safety training, more specialized safety trainings will be given by the directors of the corresponding labs.

Information about the previous trainings are as follows:

Training Date 14.04.2023
Serial No Name Surname University Department/Division Program
1 Yunus CULFA AGU Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Master's
2 Ahmet Çağrı SAYIN AGU Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Master's
3 Masud MALİKLİ AGU Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Master's
4 Tevhide Ayça YILDIZ AGU Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering PhD


Date of Training 22.04.2022
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 İbrahim Furkan TEZCAN AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. PhD
2 Muhammed Fuad FAROOQİ AGÜ  Electrical and Computer Eng.  PhD


Date of Training 09.04. 2021
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1              İrfan SOLAK                                 AGÜ               Electrical and Computer Eng.   Masters       
Date of Training  04.12.2020
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Özkan İLMEK AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
2 Saniye CEYLAN AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
3 Enes Hamdi DEMİRCİ AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
4 Esra KUŞCU AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
5 Hümeyra BULDUK AGÜ Bioengineering PhD
Date of Training    20.12.2019
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Adile YÜRÜK AGÜ Bioengineering PhD
2 Dudu BOYVAT AGÜ Bioengineering Masters 
3 Helin SAĞIR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters              
4 Büşra ÇAĞLAR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
5 Ayşe CAN AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
6 Betül PİR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
7 Büşra ACAR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
8 Seray ZORA AGÜ Bioengineering PhD
9 Ziya Furkan ZORLUER AGÜ                  Bioengineering Masters
10 Zeynep ŞENEL AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng.               PhD
11 Ayşenur ASLAN AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. Undergraduate
12 Mustafa KİRİŞCİ AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. Undergraduate
Date of Training  01.04.2019
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Nazende Nur AKŞİT AGÜ  Bioengineering Masters 
2 Merve ŞANSAÇAR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters          
3 Nihan AKTAŞ AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
4 Osman OĞUZ AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
5 Sümeyye ÖZUZUN AGÜ Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Eng. Masters
6 Betül OSKAYBAŞ ÖHU Food Engineering PhD
Date of Training 26.10.2018
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Nur Şebnem ERSÖZ AGÜ Bioengineering Masters  
2 Ayşe KORKUT AGÜ Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Eng.    Masters
3 Şükrü Kaan ELMACIOĞLU AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. PhD
4 Bahri Eren UZUNER AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. Undergraduate


Date of Training    16.03.2018
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Sema KARABEL ÖNAL Erciyes Materials Science and Mechanical Eng. PhD
2 Fehim Furkan SARUHAN AGÜ Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Eng.   Masters        
3 Can URAN   Postdoctoral Scholar


Date of Training  17.02.2017
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Ayşe CAN AGÜ Materials Science and Mechanical Eng. PhD
2 Ahmet Faruk YAZICI AGÜ Materials Science and Mechanical Eng. PhD
3 Nuray KOÇ AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
4 Emre BEŞKAZAK AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. Masters
5 Seda GÜRDAP AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
6 Şerife ÇAKIR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
7 İbrahim DENEME AGÜ Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Masters


Date of Training  11.10.2017
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Mustafa BÖYÜK AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. Masters
2 Mustafa PİR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
3 Ünal AKAR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
4 Ferhan YENİSERT AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
5 Hüsniye ALİDAĞI Gebze Teknik Postdoctoral Scholar
6 Şebnem SEVERCAN AGÜ Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Masters


Date of Training    16.03.2018
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Sema KARABEL ÖNAL Erciyes Materials Science and Mechanical Eng. PhD
2 Fehim Furkan SARUHAN AGÜ Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Masters     
3 Can URAN   Postdcotoral Scholar


Date of Training 26.10.2018
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Nur Şebnem ERSÖZ AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
2 Ayşe KORKUT AGÜ Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Masters
3 Şükrü Kaan ELMACIOĞLU AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. PhD
4 Bahri Eren UZUNER AGÜ Electrical and Electronics Eng. Undergraduate


Date of Training  01.04.2019
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Nazende Nur AKŞİT AGÜ  Bioengineering Masters
2 Merve ŞANSAÇAR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
3 Nihan AKTAŞ AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
4 Osman OĞUZ AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
5 Sümeyye ÖZUZUN AGÜ Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Eng. Masters
6 Betül OSKAYBAŞ ÖHU Food Eng. PhD


Date of Training    20.12.2019
No Name, Surname University Degree Program/Department Program
1 Adile YÜRÜK AGÜ Bioengineering PhD
2 Dudu BOYVAT AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
3 Helin SAĞIR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
4 Büşra ÇAĞLAR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
5 Ayşe CAN AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
6 Betül PİR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
7 Büşra ACAR AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
8 Seray ZORA AGÜ Faculty of Life and Natural Sciences
9 Ziya Furkan ZORLUER AGÜ Bioengineering Masters
10 Zeynep ŞENEL AGÜ Electrical and Computer Eng. PhD
11 Ayşenur ASLAN AGÜ Electrical and Electronics Eng. Undergraduate
12 Mustafa KİRİŞCİ AGÜ Electrical and Electronics Eng. Undergraduate