Institute of Science

Graduate Education Plan

IMPORTANT: The maximum duration to successfully complete credit courses, GCC1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics, and the XXX500/600 Seminar course is 4 semesters for master's and doctoral programs, and 6 semesters for the integrated doctoral program. Students who do not successfully complete their courses within this period will be dismissed from the program.

The maximum duration to successfully complete the master's program is 6 semesters, the doctoral program is 12 semesters, and the integrated doctoral program is 14 semesters. Students who do not successfully complete their program within these periods will be dismissed from the program.

To count credit courses taken in the master's program as successful, a minimum grade of C+ is required. For the doctoral program, a minimum grade of B- is required. To successfully complete the master's and doctoral programs, the student's GPA must be 3.00 out of 4.00.

Teaching Plan for Master's Programs

Total: At least 120 ECTS and at least 24 Credits (At least 7 Courses + GCC 1001* + Seminar (XXX500)* + Thesis Work (XXX597 Specialization Course + XXX599 Thesis Course)**

*GCC1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics and XXX500 Seminar courses must be taken and successfully completed by students who have been assigned a thesis advisor and have determined a thesis topic. The ARCH 505 course offered in the Department of Architecture is equivalent to the GCC 1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics course. Students who have previously completed and passed the GCC 1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics course in a graduate program at our university should take an elective technical course instead. The ARCH 601 course offered in the Department of Architecture is equivalent to the GCC 1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics course.

**XXX597-XXX599 courses must be chosen starting from the beginning of the semester following the appointment of the thesis advisor.

Teaching Plan for Doctoral Programs

Total: At least 240 ECTS and at least 24 Credits (At least 7 Courses + GCC 1001* + Seminar (XXX600)* + Doctoral Qualifying Exam + Thesis Proposal + At least 3 Thesis Monitoring Committee Reports + Thesis Work (XXX697 Specialization Course + XXX699 Thesis Course)**

*GCC1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics and XXX600 Seminar courses must be taken and successfully completed by students who have been assigned a thesis advisor and have determined a thesis topic. Students who have previously completed and passed the GCC 1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics course in a graduate program at our university should take an elective technical course instead. The ARCH 601 course offered in the Department of Architecture is equivalent to the GCC 1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics course.

**XXX697-XXX699 courses must be chosen starting from the beginning of the semester following the appointment of the thesis advisor.

Teaching Plan for Integrated Doctoral Programs

Total: At least 300 ECTS and at least 48 Credits (At least 15 Courses + GCC 1001* + Seminar (XXX600)* + Doctoral Qualifying Exam + Thesis Proposal + At least 3 Thesis Monitoring Committee Reports + Thesis Work (XXX697 Specialization Course + XXX699 Thesis Course)**

*GCC1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics and XXX600 Seminar courses must be taken and successfully completed by students who have been assigned a thesis advisor and have determined a thesis topic. The ARCH 601 course offered in the Department of Architecture is equivalent to the GCC 1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics course. Students who have previously completed and passed the GCC 1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics course in a graduate program at our university should take an elective technical course instead. The ARCH 601 course offered in the Department of Architecture is equivalent to the GCC 1001 Introduction to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics course.

**XXX697-XXX699 courses must be chosen starting from the beginning of the semester following the appointment of the thesis advisor.