The following questions and answers have been arranged according to the YÖK Graduate Education and AGÜ Graduate Education and Examination Regulations; for detailed information and additional details, please refer to the Regulations.

What is the GPA requirement to graduate from a postgraduate program?

To graduate from a postgraduate program, a student must have a GPA of no less than 3.00. The student must retake or take new courses until they meet the average requirement.

What should I do to graduate from a Master's program? When should I submit my thesis?

To graduate, a student must successfully pass the thesis exam and fulfill other graduation requirements set by the senate. The bound copies of the master's thesis must be submitted to the Institute within one month from the date of the thesis exam. The student who submits the thesis and is found to be formally appropriate is awarded a master's degree with thesis.

Can the thesis submission date be extended after the thesis exam?

The Institute Management Board may extend the submission period by a maximum of one month upon request. Students who do not meet these conditions cannot receive their diploma, lose their student rights, and will be discontinued if they reach the maximum duration.

What is the graduation date? How is the department's name stated on the diploma?

The master's degree with thesis includes the approved name of the program in the registered department of the institute by the Council of Higher Education. The graduation date is the date of the thesis exam in which the thesis is accepted.

Why is an electronic copy of the thesis required?

An electronic copy of the thesis is also submitted to the Institute. Within three months of submitting the thesis, a copy of the master's thesis is sent by the Institute to the Council of Higher Education for scientific research and activities.

I completed my thesis defense but the new semester started before I could submit the necessary documents (thesis and others) for graduation. What should I do in such a case?

Completing the thesis defense alone does not fulfill the graduation requirement. Official graduation from the Institute of Science requires the submission of necessary documents (thesis and others) within the specified periods and a decision from the Institute Management Board confirming graduation. Students who extend into a new term must enroll for the new term by taking thesis and specialization field courses (597/599), even if they have already conducted their thesis defense.

What are the documents to be submitted to the Institute of Science after passing the Thesis Defense Exam for graduation?

1. Form YL_5 (Thesis Defense Exam Record (with Jury Personal Reports and Exam questions))
2. Form YL_6
3. 3 CDs containing the thesis in “pdf” format and other materials in compressed “rar” format for YÖK, along with the completed Thesis Information Entry Form. For detailed information:
4. 3 bound copies of the thesis (with complete approval date and jury signatures, bindings should be as specified by the Institute of Science.)

NOTE: Bound theses must be submitted within one month after the Thesis Defense Exam. Students cannot graduate without submitting the bound thesis and other required documents.

For detailed information on thesis binding, click here.