The following questions and answers have been arranged according to the YÖK Graduate Education and AGÜ Graduate Education and Examination Regulations; for detailed information and additional details, please refer to the Regulations.

How is a Thesis Proposal made in the AGÜ Doctoral Program?

A student who successfully completes the doctoral qualifying exam must defend their thesis proposal, which includes the aim, method, and work plan of their research, in front of the thesis monitoring committee within six months. The student distributes a written report on the thesis proposal to the committee members at least fifteen days before the oral defense. The thesis monitoring committee decides by simple majority whether to accept, require revisions to, or reject the thesis proposal presented by the student.

What should be considered in preparing the written report of the thesis proposal?

The literature list should not be given as a raw list. Each publication in the literature list should be cited within the thesis proposal form.

Additional pages or tables, figures can be used for thesis proposal forms prepared within the framework of the sample form or with additional explanations. Thesis proposal forms should be prepared with a computer using "Times New Roman" font and 12 point size.

The Thesis Advisor must initial each page and sign the last page.

What should I do if revisions are required for my Thesis Proposal submitted in the AGÜ Doctoral Program?

A one-month period is given for revision. At the end of this period, the decision made by simple majority for acceptance or rejection is reported to the Institute within three days following the completion of the process by the department chairmanship (Form D 7).

What should I do if my Thesis Proposal submitted in the AGÜ Doctoral Program is rejected?

A student whose thesis proposal is rejected has the right to choose a new advisor and/or thesis topic. In this case, a new thesis monitoring committee can be appointed. A student wishing to continue with the same advisor must retake the thesis proposal defense within three months, while a student changing the advisor and thesis topic must do so within six months. If the thesis proposal is rejected again in this defense, the student's affiliation with the University is terminated.

What happens if I fail to enter the Thesis Proposal Defense within the specified periods?

A student who fails to enter the thesis proposal defense within the specified periods without a valid excuse is considered unsuccessful and the thesis proposal is rejected.