When is the Doctoral Thesis Monitoring Committee formed?

A Thesis Monitoring Committee is formed within one month for a student who successfully passes the qualifying exam, upon the recommendation of the department chair and the approval of the Institute Management Board.

Who comprises the Doctoral Thesis Monitoring Committee?

The Thesis Monitoring Committee consists of three faculty members. Besides the thesis advisor, one member is from the department and another from outside the department. If a second thesis advisor is appointed, they may attend committee meetings if they wish. Changes in committee members can be made in subsequent periods upon the recommendation of the department chair and the approval of the Institute Management Board.

How often does the Doctoral Thesis Monitoring Committee meet? How does the process work?

The Thesis Monitoring Committee meets at least twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. At least one month before the meeting, the student presents a written report to the committee members, summarizing the work done to that point and the plan for the next period. The student's thesis work is determined to be successful or unsuccessful by the committee. A student found unsuccessful by the committee consecutively twice or three times intermittently is discontinued from the University.

How many Thesis Monitoring Committee reports do I need to submit to graduate from the doctoral program?

To complete a doctoral thesis, a student must submit at least three Thesis Monitoring Committee reports.