The following questions and answers have been arranged according to the YÖK Graduate Education and AGÜ Graduate Education and Examination Regulations; for detailed information and additional details, please refer to the Regulations.

Can I take undergraduate courses during my graduate studies?

In masters programs, a student may take up to two undegraduate courses if these courses were not taken in the undergraduate study. In PhD programs, the undergraduate courses are not counted in the graduate course load.

Can I take graduate course(s) from other universities?

A maximum of three (3) courses from graduate courses taken in 100% English from other universities' graduate programmes can be counted with the opinion of the Programme Executive Committee of the Department and the decision of the Graduate School Executive Board.

The students who attended the PhD program with masters degree can take up to two (2) graduate courses from other universities with the suggestion of the head of the degree program and approval of the Graduate School Administrative Committee. For the students who attended the PhD program with bachelors degree, at most four (4) graduate courses from other universities can be taken with the same approval process.

Can I substitute the courses which I took before attending the graduate program at AGU?

Graduate students can substitute at most three (3) courses at the Graduate school with the approval of the Graduate School Administrative Committee under the following conditions:

  • The course was taken from other graduate programs or at AGU (as a private or guest student) at most six terms before the enrollment to the graduate program at AGU,
  • The course was taught in 100% English language and completed successfully.