What is the 100/2000 YÖK Doctoral Scholarship?

Considering Turkey's goal of being one of the top 10 economies in the world by 2023, achieving this goal will only be possible with the production of quality knowledge and especially through the factor of qualified human resources.

The 100/2000 YÖK Doctoral Scholarships Project was initiated in 2017 by the Council of Higher Education for the first time in the history of higher education to support students in doctoral programs at state universities, with the aim of producing quality knowledge in priority areas for our country.

The performance of higher education-focused processes plays a significant role in determining the positions of countries in the global competitive environment. In this context, many countries have initiated programs focused on higher education competition and particularly on the development of researcher human resources.

What is the importance of this project in Turkey's doctoral education?

Among the higher education-focused goals in our country's science, technology, and innovation policies is "Conducting Studies for Quantitative and Qualitative Enhancement of Human Resources with Doctoral Degrees."

In terms of doctoral human resources, our country has 0.4 doctoral human resources per 1000 people. This rate is 2.2 in China, 1.7 in the USA, 1.5 in the European Union, 1.4 in South Korea, 1.2 in Canada, and 1.1 in Japan.

The 100/2000 YÖK Doctoral Scholarships Project is designed with a long-term and participatory approach, considering our country's needs and development areas. Under this program, 2000 doctoral human resources will be trained in 100 priority areas for our country. The employment of these human resources is aimed not only at academia but also at processes focused on the development of the public and private sectors.

What is the amount of scholarship provided in the project?

Scholarship amount: 12000 TL per month for non-working students, 4000 TL per month for working students. These amounts will be increased annually according to the inflation rate.

What are the application requirements for the 100/2000 YÖK Doctoral Scholarship?

1. Being a Turkish citizen.
2. Having a master's degree for doctoral programs or a bachelor's degree for integrated doctoral programs.
3. Meeting the application and admission requirements set by the Council of Higher Education and the higher education institution applied to.
4. Not being employed in cadre and positions of public institutions and organizations, and not being faculty members in State or Foundation Higher Education Institutions.
5. If currently continuing doctoral education at a state higher education institution, not having passed to the thesis stage.

How can I apply for the 100/2000 YÖK Doctoral Scholarship?

Applications are made at the beginning of the term to www.fbe.agu.edu.tr if the Council of Higher Education allocates quotas to our University.


Subfields of the 100/2000 YÖK Doctoral Scholarship at Our Institute:

1) Micro and Nanotechnology
2) Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
3) Renewable Energy Sources/Technologies (Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Geothermal, Hydropower)
4) Biomedical Equipment (Medical Devices)
5) Architecture
6) Biomedical and Biomedical Technologies
7) Smart Energy Systems
8) Data Mining and Data Storage
9) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Under what conditions is the 100/2000 YÖK Doctoral Scholarship terminated?

1) Student's withdrawal from the scholarship on their own request.
2) Freezing the registration for reasons other than force majeure.
3) Receiving a disciplinary punishment.
4) Transferring to another university or another program.
5) Falling below a 3.00 GPA at the end of the first semester.
6) Falling below a 3.00 cumulative GPA in subsequent semesters.
7) Receiving a "U" (Unsatisfactory) grade in any of the thesis courses at the end of the semester.