Number Student Name Surname Graduated Program Programme Years Advisor Graduation Year Thesis Subject
1 Rukiye Nur KAÇMAZ Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD 2016-2020 Prof. Dr. Bülent YILMAZ 2020 Mining Colonoscopy Images For Abnormality Detection
2 Nazlı TEKİN Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD 2016-2020 Prof. Dr. Vehbi Çağrı GÜNGÖR 2020 Energy Harvesting Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks in Industrial Environments
3 Murat KAAN Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2021 Asst. Prof. İlker ERDEM 2020 Evaluation of Material Options for Electrical Power Supplying and Protective Wearable Equipment
4 Ünal AKAR Bioengineering Master (M.Sc.) 2017-2020 Assoc. Prof. Kutay İÇÖZ 2020 Development of a Low-cost Microfluidic System to Detect Immunomagnetically Captured Leukemia Cells
5 Mustafa Samet PİR Bioengineering Master (M.Sc.) 2017-2020 Asst. Prof. Oktay İsmail KAPLAN 2020 Characterization of Novel Ciliary Gene TMEM145
6 Ahmet ASLAN Architecture Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2020 Asst. Prof. Buket METİN 2020 Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Acoustical Performance of Multipurpose Music Classrooms
7 İlinur CAN Architecture Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2020 Prof. Dr. Burak ASİLİSKENDER 2020 Re-making of Space: How Uighur Immigrants Coped With the Unfamiliar
8 Dilara YARATGAN Architecture Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2020 Prof. Dr. Burak ASİLİSKENDER 2020 Interfaces of Urban Space: A case of Fevzi Çakmak Neighborhood in Kayseri
9 Fatma ÖZDEMİR Electrical and Computer Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2020 Prof. Dr. Vehbi Çağrı GÜNGÖR 2020 Recommender System for Employee Attrition Prediction and Movie Suggestion
10 Ümit BULUT Electrical and Computer Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2020 Asst. Prof. Burcu BAKIR GÜNGÖR 2020 Visualization of Intersecting Sets in Biological Networks and Filtering Based on Their Topological Properties
11 Beyhan ADANUR Electrical and Computer Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2020 Asst. Prof. Burcu BAKIR GÜNGÖR 2020 Blockchain Based Data Sharing Platform for Bioinformatics Field
12 Emre BEŞKAZAK Electrical and Computer Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2020 Prof. Dr. Evren MUTLUGÜN 2020 Colloidal Perovskite Nanocrystals and LED Applications
13 Volkan ÖZDEN Architecture Master (M.Sc.) 2018-2020 Assoc. Prof. Nilüfer YÖNEY 2020 Uncanny and Retrofuturistic Space in Dystopian Sci-fi Cinema
14 Burak KOLUKISA Electrical and Computer Engineering Master (M.Sc.) 2016-2019 Asst. Prof. Burcu BAKIR GÜNGÖR 2020 Development of Data Mining Methodologies and Machine Learning Models to Understand Cardiovascular Disease Mechanisms