No Name Surname Program Advisor Topic/Title Sustainable Development Goals
1 C.Ö. MASTER Assoc. Prof. Fatma Armağan TEKE LLOYD Developing a predictive model on international student migration by examining its relationship with human development, economic growth, and political uncertainty Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
2 E.Y. MASTER Prof. Niğmet UZAL Developing environmental ethical (Eco-Ethical) criteria based on life cycle assessment for the natural stone industry Goal 4: Quality Education
3 E.M.U. MASTER Assoc. Prof.  Müge AKIN Sustainability assessment of unit technologies of post-disaster temporary housing Goal 4: Quality Education
4 H.O. MASTER Assoc. Prof.  Müge AKIN Examining solid waste storage in terms of sustainability Goal 4: Quality Education
5 M.K. MASTER Assoc. Prof.  Müge AKIN Determining site selection in temporary shelter areas after disaster Goal 4: Quality Education