Assoc.Dr. Ali Ersin DİNÇER

PhD: METU, Civil Engineering, 2017.

Research Interests: Structure-fluid interaction, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Softened Particle Hydrodynamics, modelling of time-varying flow, water hammer problem


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Prof.Dr. Burak UZAL

PhD: Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering, 2007.

Research Areas: Advanced binder materials, natural mineral additives for concrete, environmentally friendly cement-concrete systems, lightweight concrete, high-performance concrete, cement and concrete systems containing high amounts of mineral additives, micro and nano structures of cementitious materials.



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Prof.Dr Kamil AYDIN

PhD: North Carolina State University, Structures & Mechanics, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2000.

Research Areas: Structural Mechanics, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Structural Stability, Structural Engineering, Performance of Structures, Artificial Intelligence Techniques (Soft Computing Techniques)


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Prof.Dr. Niğmet UZAL

PhD: Middle East Technical University, Environmental Engineering, 2007.

Research Areas: Membrane processes in water and wastewater treatment, Industrial wastewater treatment and reuse, Physicochemical treatment processes, Anaerobic biotechnology.



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Assoc.Dr. Abdullah DEMİR

PhD: Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering, 2017.

Research Areas: Structural Mechanics, Construction Cables, Contact Mechanics, Structure-fluid Interaction, Finite Element Method, Numerical Methods, Shaking Effect


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Assoc.Dr. Halil İbrahim FEDAKAR

PhD: Gaziantep University, Civil Engineering, 2016.

Research Areas: Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Transportation Geotechnics, Ground Improvement, Jet Grouting, Site Specific Soil Behaviour Analysis, Environmental Geotechnics


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Assoc.Dr. Müge AKIN

PhD: METU, Geological Engineering, 2009.

University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Research Areas: Seismic microzonation, earthquake geology, soil and rock mechanics, liquefaction of soils, seismic hazard analyses, rockfall, GIS.


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Asst. Prof. Cihan ÇİFTCİ

PhD: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Civil Engineering, 2012.

Research Interests: Earthquake engineering, probabilistic methods in structural mechanics, static and dynamic analysis of structures, Monte-Carlo simulations, finite element method, structural safety, steel structure design, tree dynamics, risk assessment of trees.


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