An orientation program was held for 52 new graduate students enrolled in 10 graduate programs at the Graduate School of Engineering and Science for the 2020-21 Fall Semester.
The orientation program, performed for the new students to expedite the adaptation to the graduate programs, was organized online this year due to the Covid-19 pandemics.
Besides the newly enrolled students, Dean Prof. Hakan Usta, Vice Deans Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Önen and Assist. Prof. İsmail Alper İşoğlu, Graduate School Secretary Burhan Kabataş, and Technician Hüseyin Bulut participated in the program.
In the first half of the program, the students were introduced with the AGU’s graduate education vision, research culture, and academic competencies. In the second half, the academic eduacation processes and the opportunities for graduate students were explained to the students.
The interactive session ended with wishes for a successful and healthy term for the students.